Accelerated Leadership Development
Vision • Purpose • Culture • Resilience • Delegation • Complexity
Insight, Impact and Flow for
C-Suite, Directors and Senior Managers
C-Suite, Directors and Senior Managers
Leadership ]Inside Out[ is our system of senior executive development that has worked for some of the world's top brands. It starts with you and your inner dynamics - the way you think, feel and perceive. Our programs take you on a journey from your inner, personal world, to your outer world of leading others. The levers of change lie within - so that is where we start.
We develop your capacity to lead yourself, your team and your organisation in an increasingly complex and uncertain world:
We identify your Purpose, clarify your Vision and reanimate your Culture to build high-performing teams. Through Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence, we develop your Resilience and your capacity for effective Delegation. Leadership ]Inside Out[ not only delivers performance, it delivers the feeling of ease and flow that transforms the burden of leadership into the fulfilling and uplifting experience it was always meant to be. |
PEP is an 8-week program exploring the dynamics of thought, feeling and perception in self-leadership and leadership of others. It explores the roots of resilience, integrity and purpose to inspire and channel your energy in the realisation of your vision. The program helps you establish a work-rest balance which is key to the success we all seek.
LEAD is a 24-week program, starting with the PEP, which goes onto apply personal insights to working relationships, influence, conflict and culture. The program culminates in the leadership module - an enquiry into the roles of communication, delegation and decision-making in creating alignment and common purpose across teams.
STEP is an 8-week program for up to 8 team members. It develops the personal, relationship and leadership capacities of senior executive teams and boards. The program challenges and upgrades the way teams think, feel and act, to directly impact the success of the organisation and its culture. It delivers online material, 1-on-1 and group coaching.
You can expect to have many of the assumptions, belief-systems and mindsets - that we all inherit from our culture, education and family - challenged and re-framed.
Because it is our thoughts and feelings that create our experience of the world around us, this is the most effective place to begin accelerating your evolution as a leader. As within, So without The beauty of this approach is that not only does it allow you to transcend and transform the struggles of leadership, it also sets you up with the clarity, energy and insight to navigate the challenges and realise your vision. Our programs deliver proprietary material online, which offers radically different and inspirational perspectives on leadership, supported by respected commentators from Plato to Simon Sinek, from Hermes to Eckhart Tolle and from William Blake to Tim Ferris and many more. What this eclectic group of thinkers shares with us is a clear insight into the working of the human mind and how to use it in the way it was designed - for the expansion, expression and enjoyment of each of us. This is Leadership ]Inside Out[ Supported by 1-on-1 coaching - and group coaching for teams - our programs address both the need to become aware of the thinking that conditions our perception, and also the need to focus in on the daily challenges that you face as a leader. This work is not for everyone: if you are looking for a single solution for an isolated problem; if you are looking to do things differently, without being different; if you are looking to change others without changing yourself. However, if you are:
then you are in just the right place to start transforming your leadership of yourself and others. Scroll down to accelerate your leadership journey now: |
©Clarity Space 2025